piątek, 4 kwietnia 2014

Nasze podsumowanie...

W naszym podsumowaniu projektu zawarliśmy kilka porad adresowanych do rówieśników z krajów partnerskich. Postaraliśmy się aby przesłanie miało atrakcyjną formę:

Dear Friends

We all eat lots of vegetables and fruit, but the Ukrainians should eat even more of them.
Poles, Ukrainians and Romanians eat too few of cereal products, in particular I recommend the whole grains products.
Poles and Ukrainians should replace juice with water, that will help to lower the intake of sugars.
Romanians and Poles should drink milk and eat dairy more often.
We all eat a little too much meat, we should replace it with fish.
Additionally, each and every one of us should remember to exercise daily for about 30 minutes.